Fast5 is a guess-the-word racing game, in loving tribute to wordle. Play against a friend, or a friendly Internet stranger.
To play, when each round starts, just type your first guess and hit enter. For each new letter in your guess that exists in the secret word (a yellow tile) you collect some round points. If you place the correct letter in exactly the right spot in the word (a green tile) you collect even more.
Use the matching letters from each guess to improve your next move. The first racer to guess the entire word correctly gets to keep their round points, and so they get added to their total game score. Be careful, though! If you run out of guesses without finding the word, your opponent wins the round.
Now normally, you can’t see exactly which letters the other person is guessing. But you can see their matching tiles! If you start to get worried they’re going to win, you can spy on their answers by hitting the space bar. This will allow you to see both your letters and theirs, but your round points will be halved, so you win fewer points.
After five rounds, the racer with the most points wins. Good luck!